Nila was just a tiny little girl who had learnt to walk and talk.She trotted eagerly into the woods behind her home trying to see the different kinds of amazing and wonderful creations..so new to her...feel them all and explore!Her father had ofcourse told her the story of little red riding wood and the big wolf ..in such a dramatic way. ..and hence there was a trace of fear running.But curiosity won!
How beautiful the forest was!! So many gigantic trees and beautiful bushes and creepers ...with such a splash of eye-catching colours ...leaves of varied shades of green contrasting with flowers of so many hues....she was fascinated!She screamed "wowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwieeeeeeeeee" and sprinted across the grass cushioning her feet.The gentle cool breeze carrying the scent of the Plumerias caressed her little face ...she ooooooohed and aaaaaahed and just lost herself in the beauty of the jungle.There ran a small stream with crystal clear water and she could see the pebbles shining under and a few fishes swimming past.She was so enthralled!
Then she heard a very very soft and lilting voice calling "Nilaaaaaaaaa.........".She looked around to find none!She was puzzled.The sound seemed to be coming out of a tulip flower- bed nearby.She went there puzzled ...slowly....the voice got clearer and closer...and when she went and looked into a tulip flower her eyes widened with awe!!!There was a tiny little fairy ...so beautiful with its shiny wings fluttering,mesmerising eyes looking into Nila's,the fairy's rosebud like lips smiling....the fairy hovered for a few moments before Nila's amazed face and then settled on the tip of the tulip petal.Then the fairy spoke "Welcome Nilaaaa!Iam one of the angels of this forest. My name is LOVE."Then the other fairies too came one by one...named Friendship,Compassion,Trust,Truth,Wonder,Forgive,Peace,Joy,Bliss,Enchantment,
Mercy,Beauty and Goodwill.They all took Nila across the stream.
There Nila saw so many other little children like her running around and having fun.But there were lesser children above age 5,still lesser children above age 10 ,a few belonging to the college going age and very few married people!But Nila couldn't care about it all then.She had made some exciting friends and they were all thoroughly enjoying themselves playing all possible games in the world,eating ice creams,son papidi,cotton candy and the so many other yummy delicacies.
Nila was growing up .She was as enticed visiting the woods still but so many children she used to see out there were not found anymore. Nila was kind of puzzled but she still couldn't care !She still had her friends who enjoyed climbing trees ,jumping at all things bright and beautiful and blissful being themselves ...in harmony with nature... with no pretensions!
Nila entered college .There she found some kind of artificial attitude in people.They seemed to be hiding behind a mask.They had all stopped visiting the woods way back and that has told upon them in so many ways...they seemed a little worked up and stressed out...and they said"Angels and fairies.???..you must be kidding Nila.Don't talk like a child!!".So,now they had to ACT mature.Does it not say it all? To ACT!Among them,the more pitiable were the guys!Atleast the girls,for whom being GIRLISH was permissible to some extent ,were allowed to ooh and aah now and then,giggle and be colourful,cry when they are upset and express themselves to some extent.But the guys...ohoh....they have to ACT manly!!They have to act matter of fact,a man crying..ohhh nooo(such men would be termed chickens) and laughing out or giggling are all taboo.But then they need some respite...to celebrate...so they take up to drinking...to just be their true selves ...to unwind...to relax...to refresh..to rejuvenate..to seek solace ...!And still they all are being practical and mature !!They willingly forget all those angels of the forest and let themselves tossed by the (d)evils like self-pity,boastfulness,inferiority/superiority complexes,greed,malice,jealousy,hatred,revenge and the likes in varying degrees ...to compensate their ACT or say to maintain their ACT...and thought life was only to run after money ,name,fame,acclaims and accolades!
Nila still had some wonderful friends who ran with her in the rain,sang with her gazing into the stars,yapped with her day in and day out,jumped into the stream and splashed and played,(the others envied !),relished the beauty of nature,lost their selves in music and cherished the angels of the forest!But soooooo many of the lot of children who entered the forest along with Nila did not come there anymore!
Then Nila and her friends drifted into different streams of life....Nila is still a frequent visitor of the woods....dancing with the angels of the forest..still child-like(not childish!) ...maturing with no pretenses...she sure believes the angels would guide her all the way through to eternity...eternal bliss...
Forgotten melodies can be revived back anytime...if you tune in!Tune in and enjoy folks!Life is to love and live!
I would like to end this with my all time favourite song by ABBA!
I believe in Angels!
I have a dream, a song to sing
To help me cope with anything
If you see the wonder of a fairy tale
You can take the future even if you fail
I believe in angels
Something good in everything I see
I believe in angels
When I know the time is right for me
Ill cross the stream - I have a dream
I have a dream, a fantasy
To help me through reality
And my destination makes it worth the while
Pushing through the darkness still another mile
I believe in angels
Something good in everything I see
I believe in angels
When I know the time is right for me
Ill cross the stream - I have a dream
Ill cross the stream - I have a dream
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